Sunday, March 9, 2008

Alts alts alts!

So I mentioned in my first post that I had a retired 70 hunter. I’m going to bring him out of retirement I think, maybe just for a bit, and PvP with him.

My alt warrior, Gisli, is 65, has tanked the first four outlands instances as Arms, needs a new sword for tanking, and finally gotten the plate gloves off of the first boss in BF. In that same run only myself and a healer from my guild (an epic healer at that) were left alive on the last boss after miscommunications and big shadow bolt nova hits on the last boss. The boss had around 40%-50% life. We killed him.

I created a dwarf hunter on my brother’s server. Going to level him as survival, the only hunter tree I haven’t dabbled enough in.

My rogue can pick 225 boxes. Woot! I could have him sit in Org and offer to open those up for a tip, would probably net him a bit of cash.

My priest is rotting. Oh poor priest. I should play him some day.

I’m hanging up my hunter on Area 52 for the two ally hunters I have. Just can’t seem to get into leveling him as BM. Oh well.

I deleted a level 3 warlock on Area 52, just because I could. Really, I had no reason to, I just did it.

Alts are wonderful. I’ve got a PvP toy, another PvP toy that will probably be a heroics toy, a rogue (everyone needs a rogue! Lock picking ftw) and some others that are just random mess around alts. And they’re a great distraction for when I just don’t feel like standing around Shatt pretending I’m doing something.

I’m going to write up a little bit about tanking as Arms tomorrow at school, or maybe the next day as I really want to go into it a bit, but all this week I plan on having SOMETHING up every day, so there will be at least SOMETHING tomorrow. Let’s hope I can keep that rolling past this week ;)

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