Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Kira's gonna FLIP, yo!"

Yo yo yo, Raniah here, spicing up this BORING blog.

I keed.

Scroll down a bit, check out the first entry.

"Yadda yadda yadda, two horrible friends that I play with and the other pedophile that I say hi to"

Well, I'm one of the two good friends, and I hope I can entertain you somewhat while giving you some insight into MY life as a Retribution Paladin on WoW.

A bit of an introduction:

Right now, I have a lv 57 Blood Elf Ret Pally on Area 52 (OUTLAND IN ONE MORE LEVEL FTW) and about 17 alts (none of which got over lv 10, except for my priest, which is at a whopping lv 14!)

Of course there are more authors, and you (the reader) needs to keep in mind that not all authors particularly like each other, so I might hate on certain hunters (because I can't beat A SINGLE FUCKING ONE IN A DUEL or PvP!!) but this is beside the point.

I HATE PvP. I suck at it. Really hard. I suck so hard, a lv 40 holy priest beat me the other day. You think I'm fuckin' around? Talk to Basuti, he was there. I hate battlegrounds, I hate arenas, I hate being flagged, I hate the ALLIANCE - gosh, yo!

That's about it for me. If you want to catch me, for the moment, I'm hanging out near the Western Plaguelands to finish up some quests there, and when I level, I'll be at Hellfire Peninsula.

Peace and Love.

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